Some of you have noticed that many blogs have AdSense Units or other ads and widgets in the header section of the blog, one of the most popular format being the AdSense 468x60 ad unit.
Unfortunately, we are not always able to add a widget inside the blogger header as a Blogspot user. The reason is that if we are using the Blogger default template, or any other customized template available on the internet, the header may be locked and have no option to Add a gadget inside it or just next to the blog title.
The reason why some bloggers are using AdSense ads or different widgets in a blog header is because of its maximum of number of impressions. For instance, when a visitor goes to a page, this will be the first place where he would give a first look and this makes it one of the hottest spots in our blog.
But how we can add something inside blogger header - be it a Adsense unit, a search bar, social sharing buttons, or a widget? By simply adding a section in the blog's header. First off, to give space for the extra gadget to fit in, our blogger header should be resized.
Before anything, we need to make a back-up of our Blogger template so that if we do make any major errors, we can easily restore the original working template to our blog.
To make a back-up, go to Template and on the right side - click on the "Backup/Restore" button.
Clicking on this button, will prompt you to save your existing template as an XML file to your hard drive. You can change the name of the file and choose the location to ensure it is easy to find if you need to use this later.
Step 1. Go to Blogger Dashboard, click on Template > Edit HTML
Step 2. Click anywhere inside the code area and open the search box by using the CTRL + F keys:
Step 3. Add this code inside the search box, then hit Enter to find it:
Step 4. Replace class='header' with class='header header-left'.
Step 5. Now we need to find - CTRL + F - the following line of code:
Now, let's go one step forward and add an extra gadget section within our Blogger header!
Step 7. Just above <div style='clear:both;'/> (step 6)... add this code:
Step 9. Just above the </head> tag, add this CSS styling:
Step 11. Go to Layout of your blogger blog and you should see two gadgets on the header area.
You don't have to worry if the Add a Gadget element doesn't appear side by side as every blogger template is different. They might be slightly up or down or sometimes they might overlap each other. Just make sure that you drag the newly created widget just below the Header section.
As I mentioned before, the header section could be one of the most valuable places in a blog. In that gadget/widget you can add anything like Adsense ads, search boxes, social sharing buttons, or you could, as well, sell that space for advertisement to boost your income.
Unfortunately, we are not always able to add a widget inside the blogger header as a Blogspot user. The reason is that if we are using the Blogger default template, or any other customized template available on the internet, the header may be locked and have no option to Add a gadget inside it or just next to the blog title.
The reason why some bloggers are using AdSense ads or different widgets in a blog header is because of its maximum of number of impressions. For instance, when a visitor goes to a page, this will be the first place where he would give a first look and this makes it one of the hottest spots in our blog.
But how we can add something inside blogger header - be it a Adsense unit, a search bar, social sharing buttons, or a widget? By simply adding a section in the blog's header. First off, to give space for the extra gadget to fit in, our blogger header should be resized.
Before anything, we need to make a back-up of our Blogger template so that if we do make any major errors, we can easily restore the original working template to our blog.
To make a back-up, go to Template and on the right side - click on the "Backup/Restore" button.
Clicking on this button, will prompt you to save your existing template as an XML file to your hard drive. You can change the name of the file and choose the location to ensure it is easy to find if you need to use this later.
Resize blogger header
Step 1. Go to Blogger Dashboard, click on Template > Edit HTML
Step 2. Click anywhere inside the code area and open the search box by using the CTRL + F keys:
Step 3. Add this code inside the search box, then hit Enter to find it:
<b:section class='header' id='header' maxwidgets=Note: If you can't find it, make sure that you have no space at the beginning of it.
Step 4. Replace class='header' with class='header header-left'.
Step 5. Now we need to find - CTRL + F - the following line of code:
<div class='header-cap-bottom cap-bottom'>And just above this line, we should see two div tags:
</div>Step 6. Paste the HTML code below just above these div tags:
<div class='header-cap-bottom cap-bottom'>
<div style='clear:both;'/>
Now, let's go one step forward and add an extra gadget section within our Blogger header!
Add a new gadget/widget element to the Blogger Header
Step 7. Just above <div style='clear:both;'/> (step 6)... add this code:
<b:section class='header-right crosscol' id='header-right' maxwidgets='1' showaddelement='yes'/>Step 8. Now find this tag:
Step 9. Just above the </head> tag, add this CSS styling:
<style>Note: if your widget is wider than overall area that both elements should occupy, then you might need to add the margin-right property to move it more on the right - see this example:
display: inline-block;
float: left;
#header-right {
<style>Step 10. Press the Save Template button to save the changes.
display: inline-block;
float: left;
#header-right {
margin-right: -20px;
Step 11. Go to Layout of your blogger blog and you should see two gadgets on the header area.
You don't have to worry if the Add a Gadget element doesn't appear side by side as every blogger template is different. They might be slightly up or down or sometimes they might overlap each other. Just make sure that you drag the newly created widget just below the Header section.
As I mentioned before, the header section could be one of the most valuable places in a blog. In that gadget/widget you can add anything like Adsense ads, search boxes, social sharing buttons, or you could, as well, sell that space for advertisement to boost your income.
Thank you a lot
yeah..nice post thanks 4 sharing.. hope u also like my blog
when adding this i cant see my tittle even after add the other codes.
Have you changed the values in red from step 4?
Please leave your link here to take a look. Thanks
To avoid messing up your template, i advise you to create a test blog and make the changes there.
Hello again. I've tested on my blog and you haven't changed the value from step 4... so please add your gadget first (your Adsense ad unit, image, or whatever) and then change the value from "header-left" (set the height to 185px and width to 650px or higher)
PS. you have already the code from step 4 (the one you should change) so please skip to the other steps. Good luck
Can this be done with social media icons as well?
You can add almost any widget you want. Just paste your widget's code in the HTML/JavaScript box after you've followed the steps above. If needed go back and resize your header for your widget to fit in
Hey, this worked really well but I'm struggling to get my social media icons to lay horizontal instead of vertical. I'm guessing it has something to do with the width/ height in step 4, but I've messed around with it for a while and no matter the numbers I use the icons stay the same.
blog link in case you need it:
Hello Rachel,
The left margin value of your social icons is too big.
Find this line in your template:
margin: 0px 0px 0px 585px;
Change 585 with 85 . I hope it works
Okay, you are some kind of crazy genius! Thanks so much; it worked like a charm!
in 6th step it shows an error:
More than one section was found with id: header. Section IDs should be unique
Thank you so much! This solved my problem... I used to be able to add gadgets and did so in the past year or so... all of a sudden this year I wanted to for the life of me I couldn't figure out what the problem was but this post helped solve the issue. Thank you so much for having this available. You're awesome!
Glad this worked for you, Katya. Thanks for the feedback :)
Hi Rahul, please verify if you have replaced the code from step 5 (see if you haven't something similar to it)
You can search (CTRL + F) for this snippet of code id='header' - it should look similar with that from step 5. Delete and replace it.
No, That is not working. I have done all that but the widget is get added bellow the header and not side by side on the right. This looks so ugly as the total height of header is too much. Header plus widget height.
Thanks for tricky steps to implement, I hope grab some more blogger tricks.
I like that.
Thnks For this Wonderful post :)
dude this did not work for my blog please help me.
Thanks so much for your help, I can't believe how easy you've made it all seem. I'm finding my social media header too tall, but can't find how to make it narrower. Any tips would be appreciated, thanks Mandy
nice post...
How can i make short menu bar on blogger header image on right upper site?
My site is
Please help for that
I tried all my effort to apply but not successful my url is kindly assist me
Sorry for the late reply. If you can't find all the codes - take each line in part, then search it. You should identify all the codes which look like the ones above. For example, at the step 7, search only for <div class='header-cap-bottom cap-bottom'> then seek for the rest of the code.
If it's still not working, please send me a copy of your template at Thanks!
Any idea why I can put the widget up where the header widget is?
Can't, not can. Thanks!
Excellent tip. that's what i was looking 4 to add search bar in header.thanks a lottttt..
perfect thanks to you i hope to increase my adv profit
thanks you for your sharing bro.100% work
need your step 5 I have a problem.
Do not find..
I find
When I do replace...1/2 the header is gone..
Await your response..
Very helpful tutorial, neat and nice.
Keep sharing!
Hey, its not working, It is giving error. Please help.
Please send your template file at
can i add more than one widget in the header?
I have similar post here
Header image in blogger
Thank You so much , this is veery helpful...
Awesome tutorial thanks for sharing this :)
really usefull post. i tried it and it works like a charm.
I'm unable to add the gadget in the header, I want to add media share buttons, and email subscription bar in the help me out...
Thanx a lot i m looking for it
Don't work for me ._.
nice post :D
but need a little help...
I want my blog logo image and the ad in one line...
See here
I was able to do so by doing the following:
In Section A, Step 6: Changing "maxwidgets" to how many widgets I needed, and changing "showaddelement" to yes.
Then in Section B, Step 3: Changing "maxwidgets" to the same number as the step above.
Hope this helps! It worked like a charm for me! :)
thanks for shearing this great article.....
Worked beautifully, and easily. Just one question, how do you add two gadgets to the header? I would like to have a search box and social media icons below, and there is plenty of room. Thanks so much!
i want my that my own widget show on my web header left side then how can ajust there ? plz make a tut for this in this tut i did'nt found any image url?
Wooow!! A very insightful and informative post. It is so on point. Am adding you guys to bookmark rightaway. Keep it up
This works better than others I've tried but unfortunately My logo come off the top no matter what size it is and the background disapears at the top when it should be black.
Can you help please?
Guy, your information beat the rest. I have been trying to figure this out until I stumble upon this your post. It is working.
Thanks a lot
Thank you. This worked great!
Thanks madam. You are very amazing. It's works! thanks again ;)
i dont have a header widget
Dude that 100% working Just follow the steps carefully that is working for me..
if you get positoin error
.header-right {
just change the width as 550 it get exact position that you want.
try it.
I couldn't get it to work. It gave me an extra gadget but they aren't side by side. When i add stuff it's under the header.
Thank you so much for sharing...I get all my doubts about blogging cleared here... thanks again..
Nice post thanks 4 sharing..Sarkari Naukri
Its not working..Please help me!!!
Thanks For sharing this very easy to understand, I was searching for this whole time, thanks again.
can't find /* Header
My layout has changed so that the header gadget has moved to the side and there is room or another gadget box, however the gadget box isn't there so I'm still unable to add anything. Any thoughts on what I might be doing wrong? Thanks
admin can you modify my blogger template?
and thank you
Hi, I need some help! Do I have to add the icons to my header on photoshop first or just follow the instructions?
OKAY so i followed all the steps byt instead the add gadget being next to header it was under and I'm not being able to move it. Did I miss something?
Thanks for providing these info. you have fixed my problem.
Thank You! But I Want to put header in a custom box.
Okay, so I have VERY limited understanding of code but this morning when I changed the name of my title/header in blogger, the whole title has disappeared, any ideas what is up? It shows up in the mobile app window as visible but not on the blog, so frustrated.
Hi, i have done what ever you have said but all my efforts are in vain , could you please help me out this my email id is , i could also send you my blog template if you want
Please help me when I want to change the html code, the code does not change:
More than one widget was found with id: Image7. Widget IDs shoulds be single.
hey man u explained it very well.I did every step but couldn't see additional widget ?any ideas.
I tried but it is not working, the header will not move, it stays in the same place in the layout.
hey... i tried thrice but its not working on my template .. iwant some space beside my header for other links in right side ..can u help me
i can send u my template ! thanks in advance
not working yar see
help me anyone
This still doesn't work.
Nice post an d trick
I should to make done with this trik
greatifull.. i have not ever see about this before
Thank you so much you just solved my problem
Every blog does not contain the same code inside, It can be found as #header then we can make changes in its width and height as well. Although, I didn't try your instruction, but It is my personal experience. Well, Thanks for sharing this, keep it up.
Divya @smtutorial
cant find the codes in Step 5 and 7
Thanks for your awesome tutorial, I have managed to get most of it right, but I can not get the new widget to sit in the top right corner of my page..... Could you please help? :)
Please make sure that you dragged the widget just below/on the right side of your header, because it shows me that you added it on the tabs area (which is a little more further than the header section). After you have dragged it, click on the Save arrangement button on the right side.
If it still appears below, you can add a style for it so that it would float more on the right:
Go to Template > Edit HTML and add this code just above the ]]></b:skin> tag:
#HTML3 {display: inline-block; float: right; margin-top: -100px;}
Change the -100px value to make it move closer to the top of your page.
I hope this helps. Thanks for visiting!
I need your help, the last step change nothing at my layoutmenu .. :(
here you can see what I mean
Pleas help! Lori
Thanks so so so much! That fixed it! Love your blog :)
You're welcome ^_^
Hi Lori,
The page elements might look a bit different from a layout to another depending on the other declarations used for each element. However I see that you managed to add an element on the right of your header. If you want to move it more to the top, add this above ]]></b:skin>
#header-right {margin-top: -50px;}
You can change the -50px value to make it aligned with your header.
I have just done this a couple of times and received no errors, however I have seen no change? Strange. Any advice? Thanks!!
Hi Alexis,
Please check that you added the code from step 6. You can search for it by using CTRL + F. In case you can't find it, search for <div class='header-cap-bottom cap-bottom'> and add it above the two divs and <div style='clear:both;'/> (step 5).
Hi, thanks so much for this tutorial. I have added the search bar, but it is looking somewhat cluttered. How can I edit the code to get just the search box and Search button. Pls have a look
Hey, It's not working on my blog, I did it already how many times.... Can you help me? Please
Hi, I have followed the steps but it has added a gadget below my 'Blog Title' and above my 'Menu Bar'. I want it to be above my 'Blog Title', how can I edit it to adjust?
i have fallowed all the steps but this trick doesn't works..plzz help
really helpful post for beginner ..thanks.
Thanks a lot, it really worked on my blog:
very useful. thanks a lot.
Hi, I followed your instructions and was able to add an extra gadget area within my blog layout (I had used all the ones in my template). However, it went underneath my header instead of beside it. Not sure what to do to get it beside. Could you please help.
So, funny thing. I just decided to try it out anyway and it put my gadget into my header! YAY! However, I'm not sure the alignment looks right. If you have a second to check it out and get back to me with any tips, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks :) :)
Cindy @ DIYbeautify
Hi Cindy,
You could move it more to the left by adding this code below #header-right {:
margin-right: 85px;
Thanks for visiting! :)
After much searching, only your post manage to save my blog! Thank you loads!
Great post, very clear. For some reason it didn't work for me, though. Did everything up to, and including step 10, but there weren't two gadgets on the header area :(
I can't find this code in my template <div class='header-cap-bottom cap-bottom'>
please help me thank you in advance
i have tried. not working. need help.
i have sent you XML files. PLZ HELP.
hi admin, i am unable to do from step 4. Plse check my blog i want to add 728*90 adsense code to right of the header.
waiting for ur response
Seriously . Awesome stuff. tried for actually 4 long hours and finally got it rite.. needs a bit a tweaking and testing so that you get it rite..! :)
Have you tried to replace class='header' with class='header header-left'? If you received an error afterwards, please make sure that you left blank spaces before and after class='header header-left'
by mistake i removed the contributors gadget. can i get it back
Hi, I'm wondering how to get my header image to align left again? I've been looking everywhere and I can't seem to find the information I need. I changed it to center align and now I can't seem to change it back.
How to remove gadget/widget from my blog header? I want my blog logo occupy entire width of Header. Please help me....
Can't find the header-cap-bottom cap-bottom anywhere.
Hi Anna,
The code might look different if you are using a custom template. Try to add the code above the tag (instead of 'header-cap-bottom...') and specify the width to both .header-left and #header-right - for example:
width: 400px;
#header-right {
width: 300px;
See if it works this way. Don't forget to make a backup before proceeding.
it says something like this
Error parsing XML, line 931, column 3: The element type "header" must be terminated by the matching end-tag ""
I tried given steps but Add a Gadget option is showing below the header.. not with the header in my web blog .. I am sending you HTML coding of my website over mail ... please check it & revert me... Thanks in advance for your kind help... May god bless you always.. :)
The new gadget is under the header, not beside it, help please
i am sure i followed the steps accordingly.. but doesn't seem to change, help
This is my blog: i can't move widget in blogger layout. when i drag and drop any widget in layout page its hind from page, then refresh the page it come in same position . what i will do now.
sorry for bad english.