Templateism, Bloggertheme9, Themeforest, Templateify, Way2Themes etc. are professional blog designing groups providing high quality free and paid version of templates. Their free version of templates contains credit links which is quite hard to remove. Because they add a function in JavaScript code to check their credit link into the template. If you remove the credit link then your webpage will redirect to their website by the function added into JavaScript. So if you remove the function then you can remove the credit link. Now the question is which function I have to remove? And where is the function?
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The template designer adds this function with other functions and the convert the JavaScript code to Hex or other format. So first you have to unpack the JavaScript to string format and the beautify them. I suggest you to use unpack version of JavaScript code. Most of cases the function added at bottom of JavaScript. The function is look like this:
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Remove the function. Be sure that after removing this function the last function ended with “;” (semicolon). Because each function in JavaScript ends with “;” semicolon.

Note: Check all JavaScript of template. Sometimes designer add this function with all different JavaScript. I hope this tips will help you. Comment us your experience. Please don’t leave any external link into comment box. If you want help from us for your template then email us from Contact us page.
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The template designer adds this function with other functions and the convert the JavaScript code to Hex or other format. So first you have to unpack the JavaScript to string format and the beautify them. I suggest you to use unpack version of JavaScript code. Most of cases the function added at bottom of JavaScript. The function is look like this:
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$(document)["ready"](function() {
$("#credit")["html"]("<a href="Designer website’s URL">Designer website’s Name</a>");
setInterval(function() {
if (!$("#credit:visible")["length"]) {
window["location"]["href"] = "Designer website’s URL"
Remove the function. Be sure that after removing this function the last function ended with “;” (semicolon). Because each function in JavaScript ends with “;” semicolon.

How to unpack and beautify JavaScript code?
You can unpack and beautify JavaScript online. Some websites will help you to do this.- If your JavaScript is packed then copy the code and paste it into http://www.strictly-software.com/unpacker#unpacker and click Unpack.
- Most of cases you need not to beautify JavaScript, because it already beautified. But if you need to beautify it then copy the unpack code and paste it into https://beautifier.io/ .
Note: Check all JavaScript of template. Sometimes designer add this function with all different JavaScript. I hope this tips will help you. Comment us your experience. Please don’t leave any external link into comment box. If you want help from us for your template then email us from Contact us page.
you could try something like this...
$("#credit").innerHTML = "Your Name";
thanks alot bro
Thanks Bor (y)
Http://7seas-blog.blogspot.com.es/ template in no way to remove the redirect. Any solution?
Hi "7seas-blog",
After viewing your blogs homepage source code, I found 2 JavaScript function from 2 JavaScript which is added at the bottom of the template. If you want to remove the credit link from your blogger template then first you have to remove the following 2 JS function :
var _0x270c=["\x24\x28\x39\x29\x2E\x63\x28\x
Up to..
Hi pls Can you help me on my template www.kindalifes.com warm regards
Pls help me on which code to remove from my template
Pls I really need this
Dear sir
Plz Read This Cod And Decoding
$(document)[_0x6e5f[11]](function () {
$(_0x6e5f[5])[_0x6e5f[4]](_0x6e5f[2], _0x6e5f[3])[_0x6e5f[1]](_0x6e5f[0]);
setInterval(function () {
if (!$(_0x6e5f[7])[_0x6e5f[6]]) {
window[_0x6e5f[9]][_0x6e5f[8]] = _0x6e5f[10]
Hi "Sachin Nanaware",
The codes you have given here are used to redirect to credit link. If you want to remove credit link from your template then first you have to remove these Java Script codes from your template.
This is a function of an encrypted JS. I need full JS code to decode it. You may delete it without worry. This function finds the credit link from template and if the credit link does not exist then it redirect to credit link after 3000 milliseconds. So it is better to remove these codes.
Hi Dear sir i want to remove the Footer In Punjab Press Reborn v5.0 templete. But sir your trick was not working on it. Kindy help me if you do this. Plz sir help me.
I only want to remove right side in footer.
wainting your reply Thanks
Hi Vakash Kumar,
Punjab Press Reborn v5.0 template has Deluxe Version and Simple Version. I check some JavaScript (not all JS) of Deluxe Version and found the Designer used so many same redirect function for the credit link. If you want to remove footer credit link then you must have to remove all functions which are using for redirect to credit link. So you must decrypt each and every encrypted JavaScript and remove the functions which is used for redirect. By a random test I found 6 encrypted JavaScript which are using credit link redirect function in punjabpresstemp.blogspot.com .
These encrypted JavaScript started with : var _0xc8e0 , var _0x501b , var _0xb8f7 , var _0x6826 , var _0x10da and var _0x251c
I have just check some JS of the above website's home page. You must check each and every JS of your custom template. The designer used 2 functions for credit link. 1st one is "window.onload" for getElementsByTagName("PunjabPressBT") and just below the function they used $(document)[BBCopyright.f](function () {
So you must remove both function. Hope this will help you.
Hey Prabir, can you help me in decrypting this template? http://demo.bloggertheme9.com/2015/10/video-portal.html
This would be a really great help!
Hi Unknown, It is so easy to decrypt "Video Portal" template. It has only one redirection function. After unzip, open the XML file with notepad++ and copy script from (line no 653) eval(function(w,i,s,e){var lIll=0;var ll1I=0 ....................to.............. 'ed83b6dc26d5f6719c57c93da19f08ee')); (NOTE: in line no 653, there are 2 Java Script. So copy the first encrypted JavaScript that I mentioned.). Now Unpack this JS from http://www.strictly-software.com/unpacker#unpacker . Copy Unpacked JS and paste it into a new Notepad++ file. and find the code given below and remove it.
$(document)["\x72\x65\x61\x64\x79"](function () {
setInterval(function () {
if (!$("\x23\x63\x72\x65\x64\x69\x74\x3A\x76\x69\x73\x69\x62\x6C\x65")["\x6C\x65\x6E\x67\x74\x68"]) {
window["\x6C\x6F\x63\x61\x74\x69\x6F\x6E"]["\x68\x72\x65\x66"] = "\x68\x74\x74\x70\x3A\x2F\x2F\x77\x77\x77\x2E\x62\x6C\x6F\x67\x67\x65\x72\x74\x68\x65\x6D\x65\x39\x2E\x63\x6F\x6D\x2F"
That's all. Now you can remove credit link. If you don't understood it then message me your email address from our contact section : https://bloggerchive.blogspot.com/p/contact.html . I shall send you the XML template.
tks admin! it working
hello bro please help me i have this code ???
$(document).ready(function() {
if(this.href.indexOf(location.hostname) == -1) {
$(this).attr('target', '_blank');
$(this).attr('rel', 'nofollow');
if(this.href.indexOf(location.hostname) == -1) {
$(this).attr('target', '_blank');
Hi Lord Jam, your code has 2 functions. The 1st function add 2 attributes (nofollow and _blank) to all non secure (http://) external links. Nofollow attribute tells search engines "Don't follow links on this page" or "Don't follow this specific link." and "_blank" attribute is used so that when anyone click on the link then the linked website will be open in new tab.
In 2nd function here only "_blank" attribute has used to open secure website (https://) in a new tab.
Get the premium template. Without footer credit. No redirect. And paid Blogger Template are free here my website.visit here to download premium Template are free Gourab Design
https://nishantitservices.blogspot.com/#home please help me how to remove credit link from this template
Get Premium Blogger Template Without Footer Credit.for free. Visit this website and get paid bloger template absolutely free. No error. No redirect your blog.
Visit:- Gourab Design
Hi Aman, have you check all encrypted script. Sometimes theme developer use the credit function multiple times in a single script. So, at first decrypt individual java script and check is there any such type of function/functions available in beginning / middle / at the end of script. Hope you will do it. You may send me the theme's download link in Contact section of this blog along with your email address. In my free time, I will check the code (NOTE: Not sure reply quickly. I depends upon on my free time.).
Hey Prabir Ghosh, I some how decrypted the code for template https://www.soratemplates.com/2018/07/publister-blogger-templates.html and deleted the code you told to do, but after deleting the code the menu bar disappeared.Then i tried the same process for similar theme https://gooyaabitemplates.com/seo-mag-blogger-template/
and i got sucess.Bro can you look at the code of these themes,and please tell me that are these theme harmless, will they steal any kind of information by any chance.Im really worried about this.Also can you also tell me why the menu bar disappears in the first theme??.Bro please please help as im not into coding
I some how decrypted the code for template and deleted the code you told to do, but after deleting the code the menu bar disappeared.
please hep me
Hi Lalit Sharma, delete the credit function carefully. Check number of starting Braces and end Braces of the credit function are same. Perhaps you have deleted other functions (menu bar) Braces. That's why menu bar disappeared. I can't tall you to send your template code to check by me because I don't want to share my email. If you upload your template in Google drive and publicly share that link in this comment box then I'll try to solve your problem.
Whenever someone clicks 'CTRL + U' in keyboard, my blogspot website redirects to another site from which I purchased the cracked blogger theme.
My website : https://aswinbenny.blogspot.com
Plz help bro 😔